If your claim has been denied, or you want to file for social security benefits (ssi benefits), you need an experienced social security disability lawyer who will get you the benefits you deserve. Contact us, we can help.
Not sure if you have a viable claim, or if you should apply for ssi benefits?
Social security benefits are available to people who have a physical or mental disability that is severe, limits the activities of daily living, and has lasted longer than 12 months. Our experienced disability lawyers can assess whether or not you qualify for ssi benefits, walk you through the application filing process, and make sure you meet all deadlines and requirements.
What if you are denied ssi benefits?
If you are denied ssi benefits, we will personally handle your appeal. We’ll plan your case and represent you at the hearing. Everything will be explained to you as your case proceeds through the legal system.
These cases can be complex.
You need an experienced ssi benefits attorney who will get you the benefits you deserve. We have longstanding ties to the communities of Michigan, we won’t stop fighting until our clients receive the ssi benefits they are entitled to. Call today 877-695-2943 for free legal advice regarding your case.
Unsure if you qualify for social security disability benefits?
Take a look at our blog post on the 7 things you should know before applying for social security disability benefits.
Need help with your ssi benefits? Contact us today →
Social Security Disability Clients
Pat was very professional. I liked that he had a good standing with the judge and he steered me when I started getting off track. Got me ready with the literature and counseling.
Everything was explained to me. Every question I had was answered in a timely manner. Everyone in the office was very nice.
The things that impressed me the most were the experience of Gray, Sowle, Iacco & Richards, they knew exactly what was needed without a wait. How fast things went from start to finish. This honesty was amazing!
Everyone did their job extremely well and made me feel comfortable. I have already recommended your firm to others. Thanks for the time you spent on my case! I honestly can’t think of anything that wasn’t handled flawlessly!
Pat was very thorough. He gave me good advice and walked me through the process quite well. Friendly but professional. No bad marks. I have already recommended Gray, Sowle, Iacco & Richards to a friend.